Fedora is more than just an operating system. It is a community of users and developers who collectively form the Fedora Project. The Fedora Community Project aims at being a portal interface for Fedora Project members to collaborate and find information about the diverse Fedora universe.
The goals of this project are being perused in stages. Right now we are working on make it useful to Fedora packagers. The initial goal is to provide a single interface that integrate the functionality of
Bodhi and
PackageDB in an easy to use and fast interface. Since Fedora Community is modular anyone will be able to work on an application to enhance the current direction or target new audiences once the first goals are met.
Pieces of the Puzzle
While Fedora Community is the front facing application that users interact with, behind the scenes it is built from a number of different pieces. Fedora Community itself is built from components inside the
MyFedora project as well as being able to call in components from other projects should they be written. Those components are build on the Mosha App Platform which provides a set of Python and JavaScript API's for building integrated web applications which can be run on the same page or individually. Even though most of our applications will be using the Python API, a large part of the integration happens at the JavaScript layer so other web platforms can still integrate with
MyFedora without having to port their apps to python.
If Fedora Community is the final project being built,
MyFedora components can be thought of as the individual blocks that create the final product. It is the umbrella project that individual
Moksha apps related to Fedora, and their data connectors are developed.
Other components such as upstream applications (e.g. one that checks the latest version of a package) can also be written and integrated into Fedora Community the same way the
MyFedora components are.
Moksha itself is based ontop of
TurboGears 2 and
jQuery. In fact the easiest way to write a
Moksha app is to simply write a
TG2 app and configure it to run inside of the
Moskha application manager.
Moksha apps can also be written on other platform, utilizing the JavaScript API's to integrate properly.
The Players
John (J5) Palmieri
- Original concept and design
- Lead developer for MyFedora
Luke Macken
- Lead developer for Moksha
Mairin Duffy
- Lead interaction designer
- CSS ninja
Toshio Kuratomi
- Fedora Infrastructure guru
Evangeline McGlynn